Cowpens National Battlefield
The Battle of Cowpens took place on January 17, 1781. It is seen by many as the turning point of the Revolutionary War in the Southern region. Today, you can visit Cowpens National Battlefield and relive history. The battlefield is part of the National Park Service. Many events are held throughout the year to commemorate this fight for freedom.
The park is open 9AM-5PM year round. All programs at the park are open to the public at no charge. Call 864-461-2828 for more information.
The Cowpens Area Merchants Association promotes local businesses in the town. We welcome visitors to shop for art, antiques, gifts, crafts, and more. Special events are planned for the holidays and other local celebrations.

Depot & Museum
The Cowpens railroad depot was built in the late 1800’s (circa 1874) for the Air Line Railroad Company.
Local citizens saved the depot from destruction (1980), moved it to its current location (1982), and had it placed on the National Register of Historic Places (1997).
The Cowpens Depot Museum and Civic Center houses items donated by crewmen and local citizens emphasizing the WWII naval history. Displayed items include clothing, photos, medals, and personal letters of former USS Cowpens crewmen.
The depot and museum are open by appointment and during special events and holidays. This property is maintained by the Town of Cowpens and the Cowpens Historical Society.
Visit the Cowpens Museum and Historical Committee Facebook Page for more information.
Veterans Park
The Cowpens Veterans Memorial Park is an important asset to our community, county, and state. It honors the military men and women who have served our country and signifies our appreciation for their patriotic service.
The stones in the monument are inscribed with the names of area citizens who have served in the armed forces and reserves.
The Town and various citizens groups conduct a Veterans Day event in the park each November.
For more information, call 864-463-3201.

Mighty Moo Festival
In 1976, the Cowpens Bicentennial Committee decided that the next town festival would be called the Mighty Moo Festival in honor of former crewmen of the USS Cowpens WWII aircraft carrier.